Sorry, These 5 Products Will NEVER Go on Sale

products, extreme
Image By Gary Glaser From Shutterstock


No matter what type of event we are talking about, be it a movie, a sports game, or a concert, they all require tickets. And chances are that if it’s a relatively popular event, the prices are sometimes going to be sky high for a decent seat! This is because, with all the buzz around celebrities and sports, seeing them perform or play live is very sought after. This is why not only are the tickets going to be pricey, but they are also not going to be lower in price.

If you look at any not sold out event, even on the day it’s supposed to be, you can still find tickets: either at face value from the ones that the venue didn’t get to sell yet, or from resellers who generally inflate the prices and ask for sometimes even three times the initial price. But at a discount? Never. Venues prefer to not have a full house rather than sell their tickets at a discounted price because most of their revenue already came in from the sold ones.

As long as there’s going to be a demand, you’ll never see these items on sale!

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