5 Post-Pandemic Activities That Are Completely Free

The coronavirus pandemic has put a massive strain on the finances and activities of many American households. While a vaccine is on the way and will surely help get our country back to some sort of normality, many families’ budgets may take a little longer to heal themselves after the massive hit our economy has taken.

However, just because money might be particularly tight as the outside world starts to look a bit more like it did pre-pandemic, that doesn’t mean you and your loved ones can’t venture outside for these activities, and what’s even better, it doesn’t have to cost you a dime.

As the saying goes, ‘the best things in life are free,’ and we are the ‘land of the free’ after all, so why not take advantage of that and see what free things you can do with your friends and family.

Image By Benny Marty From Shutterstock


America boasts more than 400 National Park Service sites nationwide, with at least one park in every state of our beautiful country. What’s even better is that over 300 of them won’t charge you to enter and explore their breathtaking scenery.

Whether it’s hiking, bicycling, camping, or learning about the park’s vast array of flora, fauna, and the many creatures that call the parks their home, there’s always something to do without having to pay for a ticket.

Museums & Art Galleries

In many cases, cultural and educational attractions come with a price tag, and sometimes it’s a hefty one.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t hundreds of museums and art galleries all across the nation that house amazing, fascinating, and educational collections for you to peruse till your heart’s content.

So, have a quick search on Google to see what wonders await you, and we guarantee that many of them will be free to enter.

Image By Rob Crandall From Shutterstock

Historical City Tours

Want to feel like a tourist in your own town? Want to discover things about the place you live in you didn’t know before?

Many local businesses, chambers of commerce, or governments have created no-cost historical walking tours where volunteer guides will walk you around the areas regaling you with the many stories from your location’s past.

They’re easier to find than you might think. Just pay a visit to the website of your local historical society, city, or chamber of commerce and pop in the words “walking tour,” you might be surprised with what you find.

Concerts, festivals, fares, and other events/activities

While you might pay a pretty penny to see your favorite musician perform in an exclusive venue, many places have plenty of free outdoor music festivals.

If you happen to have a beachfront or pedestrianized town center, you’ll be sure to find a wide array of buskers, dances, or even a little bit of street magic. Even if music isn’t your thing, there are plenty of fares where talented local artists show off their wide range of skills.

Image By Dmytro Zinkevych From Shutterstock


It may not sound like an activity that would be as entertaining as the others listed, but there is much joy to be derived from helping other people, and there are certainly plenty of organizations in your area that can use your help right now.

Not only would you be doing something positive for your community, but you’ll get to meet new people or even learn a new skill. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

These are just five ways you can have some fun without spending any money, but I have no doubt our readers have a plethora of fantastic ideas, so why not pop your suggestion in the comment section below.

Speaking of free and fun things to do… Here are the best places to visit in Las Vegas for FREE!

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