10 Healthy and Nutritious Foods for Less Than $10 at Costco

nutritious foods at Costco
Photo by Tada Images from Shutterstock

Earthbound Farms Organic Greens, $4.50 for 1 pound

Always making sure to add greens to your diet can get really expensive, especially if you’re starting a new health journey and need to get used to vegetables for every meal. But we all know how difficult it is to find affordable, organic items. There aren’t many on the market.

At Costco, you’ll find 1 pound Earthbound Farms Organic Greens for just $4.50. This is a great option for those who want to enjoy healthy salads throughout the week while still having enough left over for delicious smoothies.

Our recommendation is to freeze around half of the container. Portion that half in zip-lock bags and use them later for smoothies. The fresh greens can be tossed in a salad or used with other main dishes.

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1 thought on “10 Healthy and Nutritious Foods for Less Than $10 at Costco”

  1. I just love COSTCO. IT is my favorite store for years. It is an
    Adventure just to shop there. The shelves are always full
    of bargains and the only decision I have to make is which one do
    I purchase. I am a member with over twenty years membership.

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