10 Healthy and Nutritious Foods for Less Than $10 at Costco

health foods
Photo by Andrii Shnaider – Shutterstock.com

Organic Dates, $10 for 40 ounces

My honest opinion? Not enough people are buying dates. They’re packed with fibers, natural sugars, and potassium so they make for the perfect sweet snack which can be incorporated into a plethora of recipes.

Head on over to the produce section and you could find 40 ounces for as little as $10. The Medjool are especially yummy as far as we’re concerned, but if you’re looking for a slightly better deal then we recommend Deglet Noor. These dates are organic and cost the same, but the package is slightly bigger.

My favorite dates snack? Enjoy them with Costco’s Kirkland brand almond butter, you’ll thank me later!

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1 thought on “10 Healthy and Nutritious Foods for Less Than $10 at Costco”

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    Adventure just to shop there. The shelves are always full
    of bargains and the only decision I have to make is which one do
    I purchase. I am a member with over twenty years membership.

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