Curious about Target? Here Are 6 Items You Should Get From Them

Image By bhofack2 From Envato Elements

Healthy snacks: trail mix, seeds, and nuts

Yes, a lot of dieticians tell you not to snack on trail mix a lot due to how much fat nuts have and the calories and potential added sugar intake from the dried fruit. Yet, such snacks in small quantities are actually a powerhouse full of nutrition, and if you’re not overdoing it, you’re actually doing your body a favor. Studies have actually shown that adding nuts and seeds daily will lower your risk of diabetes or heart disease!

The only drawback is that seeds and nuts cost quite a bit, and eating them daily will definitely rack up in time. This is where Target comes in and saves you, as their Market Pantry trail mix and other nut pack varieties are a great deal at $5.30 per 26-oz package, you’re definitely getting everything you need for a long time!

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