7 Kirkland Products You Must Try NOW!

Photo by DronG from shutterstock.com

1. Bacon

Some people say that “bacon makes everything better,” and they’re right. If you want to take your meals to the next level, add Kirkland’s signature bacon to your menu. It’s tasty, flavorful, has great texture, and it pairs amazingly with some eggs and avocado toast or added on pizza.

If you’re still not convinced that this is a top-notch product, you should know that the website Consumer Reports tested many brands of bacon and settled on Costco’s own brand of normal sliced bacon as the best of all.

Besides the great balance of fat and meat tastes, as well as its crispiness, consumers also like the pricing, noting that a pound of Kirkland bacon often costs $1.50 less than its name-brand counterparts. A four-pack of Kirkland Signature sliced bacon, each weighing one pound, can be purchased for under $25.

…Have you ever tried it? If not, then what are you waiting for?

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3 thoughts on “7 Kirkland Products You Must Try NOW!”

  1. The only item on this list worth the trip is the Rotisserie Chicken. Kirkland paper towels and the stuffed peppers are also worth the trip. Costco in our area doesn’t have gasoline so we can’t compare the price. Stay away from the hot dogs; TERRIBLE taste.

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