9 Wegmans Signature Products That Are Totally Worth Your Money

Photo by tarheel1776 from Shutterstock

Wegmans Sparkling Water

When you’re shopping at Wegmans, you definitely have to stock up with the store’s house-brand sparkling water. They have the usual La Croix knockoffs, meaning lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit, but they simply take it to a whole other level with their own flavors.

For instance, I prefer ginger and black cherry vanilla when I want to drink a soda. If not that, they also have blackberry tangerine, mango lime, but also cherry pomegranate. The best part? You’ll only have to pay $2.99 for 12 cans, and you might find it even cheaper than that with a Shoppers Club card.

Wegmans Butter Boy French Butter with Sea Salt

Anyone who ever shopped there should know this: the Cheese Shop is simply on a whole new level. It has great French brie and local goat cheeses, with all kinds of crackers, dried fruits, and nuts. On top of that, there’s also the Mediterranean Olive Bar!

The whole experience of shopping is so nice and pleasurable, that you could post a story on Instagram every step of the way. Probably the best find you could ever hope for in the cheese department is the Wegmans Butter Boy, which is a hand-churned salted butter crafted by Rodolphe le Meunierin in France.

But beware: this is not the type of butter you would use for cooking! No, no, this is the kind of butter you might need at special occasions and events. Even if it’s a whopping $17,99 a pound (and you’ll find it in small quantities), it sells out pretty regularly, which makes it harder to find it. You can eat it on a fresh Wegmans baguette!

Wegmans Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Filled Pretzel Nuggets

The wide majority of grocery stores have a particular kind of peanut butter-filled pretzel nuggets, but Wegmans makes them even tastier by dipping them in chocolate. With only eight dollars, you can get yourself a pack of these sweet-and-salty snacks.

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