8 Surprising Things You Can Do With Expired Foods

fast food
Photo by ronstik from Shutterstock

You can use it as a fertilizer

If gardening is one of your main passions, you must have one, no matter how small. In this case, we’d highly advise you to become as self-sufficient as possible, because, after all, when we’re too reliant on grocery stores, we might become too dependable. But when you have a garden, it’s much better. So, at least once a year, you must use fertilizer. Well, instead of getting fertilizer from the store, now you can make it in the comfort of your own home. Start a compost pile where you will later add all the scraps, from eggs, veggies, and coffee grounds, to any other organic materials you might find.

You can feed it to the animals

Those who have farms are very familiar with this concept. Many farmers are used to feeding their leftovers to their pigs, chickens, and even dogs. If you have food that you kept in the fridge a bit too long, but it hasn’t rotten yet, you could give it to the outside dogs. But please remember that if the meat is already rotten, don’t feed the dogs or cats with it, as they might become sick. You’d want to check the food for mold first, before feeding the animals.

You might also turn it into a cleaner

Did you know that mayonnaise can become a great cleaner after it expires? As a matter of fact, mayo has a particular type of oil content that will make any piece of stainless steel shine up. Other than that, lemons and limes are great garbage disposal cleaners.

You can use it as a cosmetic face mask or even an exfoliant

Of course, if the food has gone bad, you don’t want to eat that. However, some foods might be good for your face, even better than a face cleaner. Here are some of the things that you could use either as a face mask or as an exfoliant:

  • Greek yogurt – Greek yogurt is loaded with lactic acid, which is great when it comes to exfoliating dead skin cells. All you have to do is mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt with 1 tbsp of honey in a little bowl. Then, apply the mixture to your face, let it sit for a maximum of 15 minutes, and carefully wash it off.
  • Coffee – Besides putting your coffee in your compost, you might also use it as a face exfoliator, as it’s still rich in antioxidants. Mix the rest of the stale coffee grounds with just a bit of milk, until you get the desired texture. Then, apply it to your face, and let it sit for no more than 20 minutes, then slowly rinse it off.
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