5 H-E-B Store Brand Items You’re Missing Out On

Image By DPRM From Shutterstock

#1 Vinegar

A lot of the time, we make the wrong assumption that store brand products are not going to be as good as pricier options in the same store.

When it comes to vinegar, there are a lot of options that lack the brightness and even flavor profile of the established brand’s version of the same product. However, H-E-B comes in a clutch, much like other stores do with their own store brands, and their red wine vinegar is not only top-notch, but they do not compromise on quality whatsoever, and you can purchase it for an amazing price.

Long-time customers of the franchise always rave about how good their vinegar is, all due to how much care they put into their distilling processes. A lot of the customers cite H-E-B red wine vinegar as their top option when it comes to making vinaigrettes or even balsamic ones. It is also perfect when it comes to making chimichurri sauce, which works very well with either steak or chicken!

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