Coca-Cola: We Bet You Didn’t Know You Can DO These 9 Things With It

Image By Wavebreakmedia From Envato Elements

Compost supercharge! Get everything faster!

Do you need to replant your garden or are you planning on adding another row of tomatoes to your veggie patch? It would be useful to have the compost ready to go so you can fertilize your plants properly. Unfortunately, it isn’t always that compost is ready to be used when we most need it. This is where Coca-Cola comes into play to rescue you.

If you add coke to your compost pile, the process will be sped up significantly! The high concentration of sugar in the soda will feed the microorganisms that live there, accelerating the composting process, while the acidity from the bubbles will help with breaking down the solid parts.

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3 thoughts on “Coca-Cola: We Bet You Didn’t Know You Can DO These 9 Things With It”

  1. I have poured it on rusty bolts that you can’t get to move, and in just a little time it comes right off as if it was a new bolt and it takes away the rust. and use it on your car windshield, it takes all the road dirt off.

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