6 Products That Are More Expensive at Costco

Costco store best
Cooked Meat
Photo by calimedia from Shutterstock

5. Cooked and Take-and-Bake Meats

How many times have you gone grocery shopping and made impulse purchases? This happens especially if you’re in a supermarket while being hungry. A study made in 2018 shows that Americans spend about $400 per month on impulse purchases.

That said, let’s imagine you’re walking down the Costco aisle and you hadn’t eaten for 7 hours. Seeing rotisserie chickens, freshly baked pizzas or sauced-up spare ribs tempts you a lot and you just can’t help not buying anything. However, they are definitely more expensive than those options at your grocery store or your local supermarket.

Costco executives are aware that trips to their store can be exhausting, so they take advantage by placing tempting foods here and there.

6. Produce

You can find some great deals at Costco but when it comes to produce you might think again before buying avocado, bananas, tomatoes and so on. Giant bags and boxes of fruits and vegetables are rather appropriate for a restaurant or catering events than for a family.

Just like the detergent we mentioned earlier, buying produce in bulk can be a good deal since the price per unit is more affordable, but only if you use what you purchased before it expires. If you don’t, then you’re throwing both your money and the produce in the garbage can.

You might also like: 12 things you’re doing wrong at Costco, Walmart, and Target.






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