15 Old Things in Your Basement That Are Literally Worth a Fortune

things found in basement
Photo by Santi S from Shutterstock


If it works, it’s good to go. Stone Age-looking phones, or better said, bricks, could generate you a large chunk of money. As I’ve mentioned before, there’s literally a market for everything, including old cellphones, so look in your basement.


If you happen to remember a dusty piggy bank placed on one of your basement’s shelves, go grab it! A coin can be worth a fortune! For example, a rare coin such as the Flowing Hair Silver/Copper Dollar 1794/95 sold for $10 million at auction.

Yes, it’s rare, but circulated coins can be valuable, too, so look carefully. A 1995 U.S. penny with a doubling of the words ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’ and ‘LIBERTY’ was sold for a cool $5,000.

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40 thoughts on “15 Old Things in Your Basement That Are Literally Worth a Fortune”

    1. Go to ebay.com and search for the item. Be as precise as you can about brand names, model numbers and so forth. Don’t pay too much attention to the asking prices, since the seller can ask for as much as he/she wants, but won’t necessarily get that.
      Go down the left hand side of the page and find the “sold items’ check box. Click that, and items that have actually sold on ebay will be displayed, with their selling prices.
      You won’t find everything there, but it’s surprising what a variety of things really do sell there.

  1. I have items that may fall into vintage items. Have nothing to refer to as far as value of items. Do you have a catalog or a Webb site I could go to that would have this information?


      I have collector’s dishes, old albums,78’s, 33’s and 45’s. Where can I find out if they are of any value?
      Is there any information that can be emailed to me?
      Thank you.

    2. Ghostbusters house, car, figurines along with Ninja Turtles house, figurines etc.. Peewee Herman doll with house and cheery(blue chair)
      Hulk Hogan doll. Value?

  2. Nancy Portia Barberis

    i even have an old juke box and dozens of 45 records , boxes of the great big records 33’s and 98’s ?? in the garage
    yoyo’s boxes of comic books heaven only knows, what is in the attic

      1. I also have vintage postcards nicely organized in a specific photo type alum and 95 percent or more I 100 percent mint condition but the thing with trying to sell your item is finding the correct companies or right persons! If anyone could help me with this would be a great thing for you too! Thank you all! PLVMB tool set that is fully completed and in a wooden box designed specifically for each individual tool lined with green felt lining! Some could truly help me to help them ! Thank you again

  3. I have 20 foot POD with items from 3 families. How do I go about selling the items?
    I have collector plates, 1900 Lynn Range with all accessories, furniture, Books, Art, cameras

    1. Geralynn M. Cook

      Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha — VERY FUNNY! — but NOT if you’re serious!!! : ( Cherish your wife, and remember that if you are loved, you have it all. No one — including yourself — is perfect. Try harder; miracles happen all the time because God is on your side…… : ) Good luck, and God Bless!

  4. No basement but attics are the same for us who live on rock. I have about 100 331/3 records – in original jackets. Some of the Beatles – Bob Dylan – John Denver – Barbra – lots of Broadway – lots of opera – lots of classical piano.

  5. Why do you title it as 15 things when you only show 9, have the other 6 already been sold or thrown away? People really should learn how to count it sometimes drives me nuts to see how our education system has let our kids down to a point where they cannot even count or add simple numbers without a calculator to do it for them.


    i have the beatles collection box set pristine condition recors never been played, also have the poster included and pictures of the fab 4 enclosed

  7. I have 4 boxes of old 78 records and the bigger ones that came before the 78’s. Don’t know who to contact to try and maybe sell some .

  8. I have 7 storage units with 60 year old plus items. I wish there was someone to call to come out and shop me

    1. Met John Wayne in Hawaii very nice man we were on our honeymoon he was shooting In Harm’s Way. The entire cast were staying at the same hotel we were!!

  9. Paula Lucille Varson

    How about some advice on finding a buyer for our stuff?

    I have a very old computer. An amega, pre-apple. I would donate it to the right museum

    I also have a blue cornflower corning ware dish. I hear they are valuable too.

  10. How do you find out what things are worth? I have stamp collections and coin collections my Father gave me 40 yrs ago. I had several records that included the Beatles, Michael Jacksons first album, Janis Joplin, etc and a well known auctioneer in Columbus told me they werent worth anything and I sold them for nothing at an online auction. I have old cloth books in excellent condition, lamps, plates, etc but do not know how to find the value of anything, or whom you can trust.

  11. Not just handheld and board games. Check video game cartridges too. People have found rare Stadium Events carts they didn’t know were extremely valuable. Sealed cartridges can fetch a nice sum too. It depends on the title and rarity but it’s worth a look. There are a few rare Atari 2600 carts that sell decently too. Pepsi Invaders, for example.

    More recent toys can be pricy too. Got a Kenner red Jurassic Park rex stashed away? They go for a few hundred. So does Demon Carnotaurus if it’s got gear with it. In box items go for more, even if not still factory sealed. Might not be a million dollar item but still can fetch a nice sum. Heck, even modern Jurassic toys can sell good because of Mattel’s annoying distribution issues. And vintage Star Wars too. Just be careful due to the many bootlegs.

    Trading cards. Surprised they weren’t on the list. Check old baseball and football cards for any hidden gems and if you collected Pokémon cards as a kid and they got stashed away when you went to college, take a look. Base set cards can go for several hundred if they’re holos and first edition Charizard Venusaur and Blastoise from base set are in the thousands in mint condition. Fossil, Jungle, Base set 2, Neo era and even up to gen 3 have rare cards among them. Gen 3 gold stars are one. Check prices online, perhaps seek out grading if the card stands s chance at getting a good grade, and you never know what you’ll find.

  12. I would suggest a business of cleaning up rented storage. You know the ones that dont get bid on. Yes much will be trash but you will get paid for putting it into the dumpster. I realized what I had as I vo;entered to clean up after a senior died and left the cleanup to the inlaws and outlaws. I walked away with dozens of boxed of plastic trash bags of all sizes. all kinds od cleaning products. enough bird seed and feeders that went fast at a garage sale. then she had hundreds of the footies seniors use to keep their feet warm. she also had several hundred button down sweaters that seniors need because of their limited arm movement. along with a multitude of pots and pans. all inexpensive but snatched up for two dollars at the garage sale because they were new. so many knick knacks and picture frames with some nice pictures. and even some toys she had for the grandkids but never gave them to them. all new and in packaging. mostly was the rub-on pain reliever that smalls bad but works. the clothing and shoes (all new) were of one size for a woman of small stature but all new and priced quite cheep went quickly because they knew someone that could use them. I didnt sell the footies or sweaters. I donated them to a local nursing home that had many women glad to get the sweaters and footies. They gave me an estimated receipt for a tax deduction. it along with the money I got from the cleanup and garage sale I made out quite well. lastly looking in the many old purses I found a nice gold chains and locket I gave to my great grand daughter, proving their is always gold in trash. So buy the lockers at your peril or get paid for cleaning up the trash. Most of all have fun in your treasure hunt. ( also offer your services to people that purchase the units)——————— I, Grampa

  13. I have:
    Stamp collection
    Post card collection
    Match books
    That’s all I can think of but I don’t know where to go to sell any if it.
    Help would be appreciated.

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