6 Items You Should Get Generic at Costco

Image By composter-box From Envato Elements

#1 Peanut Butter, the organic, creamy one

This one is a Costco fan favorite, and we can’t say enough good things about it. Not only is this one of the best generic peanut butter out there, but it is also part of the warehouse’s organic line; this means no preservatives or other additives, just the needed ingredients to make creamy peanut butter.

The only thing about this is that it ends up separating faster than other types of peanut butter due to the lack of preservatives. Yet, there’s no need to fret about it: you can easily either mix it well before using it, or you can store the jar upside down so all the oil will gather on the new “top” of the jar, then repeat the mixing process once the jar is back in its normal sitting state.

A little bit of mixing shouldn’t deter you from getting this, though. It is that good!

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3 thoughts on “6 Items You Should Get Generic at Costco”

  1. I noticed nothing was said about the Kirkland Paper Towels….THEY ARE THE BEST EVER!!! My first time trying them was during the shutdown in 2020. Before, I was a loyal “Brawny” but as the price inched its way up I decided to look for something else that was more affordable. I was so impressed by the quality and the price of Kirkland’s brand that to this day I’ve never used another paper towel on the market….oh and their “Chicken Melts” are a fan favorite in my household too.

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