Top 11 Products You Should Always Buy Generic

Products You Should Always Buy Generic
generic products
Photo by DeawSS from Shutterstock

Food & garbage storage bags

Many people call them “ziplock bags,” which are named after the branded product that may be in your store. However, there is no need to buy the original Ziplock. You can purchase super-value branded sandwich bags and storage bags on Wholesale warehouses.

This can be an excellent alternative to any TV advertising brand, and it comes at a lower cost. The quality of ordinary garbage bags also does not vary. Aldi is a great place to find durable non-branded garbage bags at a lower price. You can also find discounted prices on plastic food containers in dollar stores.

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11 thoughts on “Top 11 Products You Should Always Buy Generic”

  1. Tools? I somewhat disagree. Mine are Craftsman tools! I still have all mine I bought in a bundle for 50 bucks in 1970, when I was 20 years old! Never had to even take them up on “lifetime” guarantee, even once!

    1. We all grew up in “Husky” jeans from Sears, too. They were just as durable and 2/3 the price of “Levi’s”; which, too many today fail to realize, is a substantial savings, with universal application. I guess paying a cab to deliver over priced take out has ended personal, financial responsibility.

    2. Alas, Craftsman tools are not of the same quality that you and I bought back in the day. Kobalt makes pretty good reasonably priced tools these days.

  2. The number one reason is not how much you didn’t make yesterday, the unexpected things that happened to you today, or how much you will make tomorrow. It is how you use the money in your wallet right now. This Marxist economy is bankrupting the American family, by tricking the masses to buy what special interest groups want them to buy, instead of emphasizing what the struggling consumer needs. Social inflation, especially ‘fake’ meat, is exponentially more damaging than traditional inflation, because it is a much higher percentage of our income. Families need to come together and realize doing what is best, for anyone or anything else, is foolish if it leads to the collapse of the family budget.

  3. Some generic drugs have caused issues for me. Whereas many are fine others are not. I have a rare genetic condition called Homocystinuria, and thegeneric form up cystadine has raised my levels significantly. the generic form of dilantin has caused issues for me. I am okay with getting generic vitamins though which are also required becuase I am on a low protein diet. I can’t get some vitamins from food.

  4. Don’t agree with the tools. Any time I buy cheap tools they are worthless. If I buy expensive tools they work and last for ever, as long as nobody steals them from me.

  5. I agree with Steve, if it is a tool that I seldom use then I might buy generic since it will be setting on a shelf 95 percent of the time. A tool that I use daily or weekly then I buy top brands, Milwaukee tools are my go to when I am buying a tool that I am using regularly: too quality, dependable and last a long time when taken care of!

  6. Dianne Conwell

    I don’t buy generic orange juice, my experience has been that it tasted just like grapefruit juice. I hate grapefruit juice so I won’t be buying generic orange juice at all.

  7. You are absolutely correct Steve. Craftsman are not only a great tool, but they are lifetime guaranteed. Tools are one product where generic cannot measure up.

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