6 Things You Should NEVER Buy at Local Flea Markets

local flea markets
local flea markets
Photo by Vladeep from Shutterstock

5. Car seats

Another item that you should never buy from local flea markets is car seats. Manufacturers advise changing a car seat if it has been in a car accident, even if it was minor and the kid wasn’t in the seat, since they can’t ensure that it didn’t incur cracks or other damage to its covering.

6. Mattresses

When thinking about buying a used mattress, ask yourself this: “Were the owners clean, and how old is it?” Because, believe it or not, a lot of people are falling into this trap of buying old things just because they seem like a good bargain but neglecting the sanitary part of them. For example, if you buy old clothing (except lingerie, of course!) you can easily wash them at higher temperatures and get rid of the bacteria, but a mattress can’t be washed! Furthermore, an old mattress can be a lovely home to a thousand bacteria, bugs, mold, and a lot of other things.

Older mattress designs or deteriorated interior components might be the source of problems with positioning and pain. You may have peace of mind knowing that your bed is clean, capable of offering the right support, and covered by a guarantee if something goes wrong when you choose a new mattress.

What other items are a big “no-no” when you go to the local flea markets? Tell us in the comments.

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