5 Indestructible Products You Won’t Regret Buying

retirees wasting money, indestructible
indestructible product
Image By Nor Gal From Shutterstock

Zippo lighters

What’s more American than Zippo lighters? Sure, we can name a number of other things as well, but let’s be honest, these lighters are iconic, and even if you don’t smoke, there’s nothing wrong with having one on hand. You never know when you might need one.

They’re so universal that ever since the company opened its doors in 1932, they have secured a place in pop culture and they have since been referenced in movies and songs alike! The best thing yet is that they’re virtually impossible to break, definitely meeting our criteria for indestructible! So, even if you aren’t using one frequently, you don’t have to worry about it breaking down.

Not to mention that the company vouched for their Windproof lighters to always work—otherwise they’re going to fix it for free, even if it’s a few decades old!

Read more about all the kitchen staples that SHOULDN’T be missing from your home!

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