Small Town Advantages? Here’s 5 Ways You ACTUALLY Save Money

small town
small town
Image By westend61 From Envato Elements

Paying less on car parking or ride-sharing services, and sometimes they might not exist!

Living in a big city means that if you are going out, you will either have to take the car there and then pay for parking, or you will have to catch a Lyft or Uber to the restaurant. And just like that, you’re spending up to $15 (if not more) on parking or on one trip to the spot you are heading to.

In a more rural area, you won’t have this problem. Not only are the chances of having to pay for parking so limited because most small cities do not charge for it, but you will be surprised just how easy it is to walk to most appointments! You will be able to enjoy a walk to your meeting spot with your friends, or you can just take a ride sharing service or a taxi for a smaller fee due to shorter distances and less traffic.

It’s a win win in our eyes!

Car insurance rates could be lower!

According to many expert sites, car insurance in smaller towns may just be lower than in other bustling cities! Not only will you be able to pay less because crime rates are generally lower, but it might also be due to the fact that with fewer cars, the chance of any sort of accident is significantly reduced.

It doesn’t happen only in small towns, though! If you live in an area that is considered a suburb of a bigger city, you can expect to pay less than the people living in the center, based on the same reasoning for the small town. And if you think about it, it makes a lot of sense.

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