Small Town Advantages? Here’s 5 Ways You ACTUALLY Save Money

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gas, small town
By l i g h t p o e t from Shutterstock

A smaller town means less money spent on gas!

Think of it this way: smaller town, less distance to travel! Not only will you be able to get to more places by foot, but you will also spend less on gas due to the shorter distances. A study shows that every US commuter spends up to $1,400 on gas alone! But with a small city, it’s no longer as bad.

Not to mention, a lot of us waste gas due to just sitting in congestion, and in some huge cities, such as LA, commuters may end up spending up to 128 hours a year just in traffic. In a small city, the chances of getting stuck in any traffic are minimal, and you can end up saving so much money just from that alone!

You’re more likely to make it as a small business owner!

It may seem like the possibilities in a bigger city will be more profitable in the long run when it comes to opening your own business. However, opening a store in a big city may just not be the best option. After all, these cities are not really missing anything, given their size. It may be a great idea to try out a small business in a small town, as there are more chances to be successful.

Not only will opening and advertising your store in a smaller city be cheaper, but other operational costs will also be lower! Otherwise, while you will not see as much foot traffic and visibility as in a big city, your small business may fill a gap a small city has and give you the security of always having regular customers.

Don’t put aside your dream of opening a storefront just because of the size of the city! There are plenty of opportunities.

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