6 Things You Should Avoid Buying From Walmart

Image By s_kawee From Envato Elements

#6 Mixed Nuts

If you’re in a pinch and you have to get these nuts or seeds stat, then you’re okay getting them from Walmart. Otherwise, the best course of action would be to avoid getting them from the supercenter, as many experts online have shared that they think it’s a bit squirrelly. That is, in true frugal fashion, you can find them for the same quality (if not even better at times) at much better prices at other stores.

Some of them are good, and you aren’t going to end up catching anything if you get your seeds and nuts from here, but why pay about $1.50 more per pound when you can get them cheaper elsewhere? Places like Trader Joe’s or Aldi have better deals, and you can use the money you save on other products!

And don’t live with the impression that the grass is always greener on the other side! If you’re a frequent Target shopper you may want to avoid these items!

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22 thoughts on “6 Things You Should Avoid Buying From Walmart”

  1. I disagree with your assessment on the produce. Celery bought at Tops Market is always bitter, wind up tossing it. Celery at Walmart has always been great! Lettuce, cabbage, potatoes, blueberries, tomatoes etc. are usually much cheaper and the quality is great!

  2. Nevermind- it seemed to work after I left a comment 🤦🏼‍♀️
    I do most of my shopping at Aldi! They generally have the best prices!

    1. Aldi is very good – even their off brand or signature name. Prices are good. They appear to be getting more big name brands in their stores lately and it is truly appreciated by all. I don’t food shop at WalMart unless it’s something like boxed, sealed brand name cookies or such. Food shopping is done at 3 different big name food stores. I always, always shop sales.

  3. Go to another named brand grocery store and you’re paying quite a bit more for the same products. I wonder if they’ll drop their prices when the economy gets back to normal, hahaha

  4. I totally disagree with the article. WalMart in our area has much better prices than Giant or Publix…and we have never been disappointed with their produce and buy it regularly.

    1. I stopped buying g produce at Walmart because it was not only not fresh, it spoiled quickly and had terrible after tastes.

  5. After limiting my exposure to people during the Covid pandemic, I’m continuing my shopping at Kroger, Publix (for sale items), and Amazon.

  6. I can’t believe they left off bread & bakery items. The vendors for the Walmart I worked at routinely stocked the shelves with bakery items that had 3 days or less until expiration because Walmart insisted on getting the lowest prices.
    BUT the absolute worst item at Walmart is shoes. Look at the shoes worn by employees. They aren’t from Walmart. The employee discount doesn’t entice them to buy that garbage.
    The fact is, you are taking a chance of getting bad merchandise no matter what because they buy items that fail other companies’ quality control and knowingly put defective merchandise on the sales floor because, as I was told, “It’s up to the customer to find defects”.

    1. Bakery items should be used in a couple days. Unless you freeze or refrigerate them. They have no preservatives, which is good. Big name brands are full of preservatives and not healthy for you.

  7. I have seen where Walmart has brussel sprouts which were actually products of the USA so I was just thrilled. I also agree with Phyl. I’ve never gotten bitter celery at WM but have at many other stores.
    I have been in Walmart when everything in the produce dept looks great, the next time I’m there a month later I just have to walk by it.
    Here in TX HEB is the most amazing grocer. They have beautiful produce……most of the time ……. but there here have been a few times when I couldn’t believe they even had the items out for sale. I’m talking several vegetables so I was very disappointed but I wouldn’t dis them. If a business makes me happy 90% of the time, I’ll give them a good review. Maybe trucks were held up in traffic, broke down, whatever. I’m good.

  8. Produce shouldn’t last long. If it does it’s probably sprayed with something to keep it preserved. That’s not good. If you grow vegetables in your garden do they last long? No, they shouldn’t because they are fresh. Some veggies I’ve purchased last longer than they should and I caution against buying them again.

  9. Marcela Spencer

    I have been shopping @ Walmart for over 10 Years. The prices are great & I’ve not had any Problems. Will continue shopping there. 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

  10. I find Marc’s has cheaper produce than Walmart. The bagged candy is cheaper at Marc’s and Drug Mart.
    The clientele is better at other stores also. No kids running down the aisles screaming while the parents ignore them.

  11. I do NOT buy prepackaged or already cut up fruit at Walmart. My very favorite fruit is watermelon. It was my craving for both my boys. A couple of times I have gotten it home and it had expired – spoiled. It was not on sale. Same with mush melons. Now, if I want fresh fruit, I buy it at Meijer. Always fresh, always the best.

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