Avoid Keeping These 5 Foods in Your Pantry

bananas, avoid
Photo by ch_ch from Shutterstock

Have you ever wondered if you should avoid keeping certain foods in the pantry?

The truth is that there are foods you should avoid keeping in the pantry! Be it that we are used to these foods being able to be kept at any temperature or that they are generally thought to be able to be kept in your pantry with no problem, the reality is actually different. Sometimes it is a problem with the already opened food items; other times, it is just unsafe to keep them at room temperature, no matter if they’re covered or not!

In order to lessen the stress you may have about whether food should be kept refrigerated or not and eliminate the possibility of losing money by having to throw out items you have stored incorrectly, we made this list! All these items are the most common ones that people accidentally store wrongly, and you should get ahead of them by being in the know!

Let us know if you know to avoid storing these foods in your pantry or if you learn something new!

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1 thought on “Avoid Keeping These 5 Foods in Your Pantry”

  1. Wish I could post a picture of my pantry! While I still have a few bought cans, my pantry is full of home canned goodies. Vegetables, meat, fruit, even milk (for cooking only). I mostly follow USDA guidelines, but I have the older guides.
    Right now I have 40# of chicken in the fridge waiting to be de-boned and canned. While the Amish choose to water bath everything (THREE HOURS for chicken), I will be pressure canning my chicken for 90 minutes.
    If you only use part of a can of anything, please store it in a covered bowl in the fridge. Don’t leave it in the can. Just put a bit of freezer tape around the container and label it. Then plan to cook with it within a day or two. Be safe.

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