Avoid Keeping These 5 Foods in Your Pantry

Image By Moving Moment From Shutterstock

#1 Whole-grain Flour

By now, most of us are aware that other types of flour are healthier for us than the normal all-purpose white flour. However, just because the whole grain one is better and we’ve switched to it, that doesn’t mean that the changes stop there. These types of flours are higher in germ and bran than the normal wheat ones, and this means that they contain more natural oils!

You should avoid storing them at room temperature as they can spoil faster. You should keep them in the freezer after you open them, in an airtight container, so you can increase their shelf life!

#2 Opened red wine

You may think we are committing blasphemy by telling you to refrigerate red wine after opening it, but red wine lovers, hear us out! It’s actually something you should avoid leaving out in the open overnight because you are risking it getting oxidized and losing its properties and taste. After you have opened a bottle of red and drank as much as you want, you should re-cork the bottle and stash it in the fridge, not on your counter!

Believe us, this is how it will stay fresh for the next day as well, and you won’t have to begrudgingly use that very good wine for a sauce because you cannot drink it anymore.

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1 thought on “Avoid Keeping These 5 Foods in Your Pantry”

  1. Wish I could post a picture of my pantry! While I still have a few bought cans, my pantry is full of home canned goodies. Vegetables, meat, fruit, even milk (for cooking only). I mostly follow USDA guidelines, but I have the older guides.
    Right now I have 40# of chicken in the fridge waiting to be de-boned and canned. While the Amish choose to water bath everything (THREE HOURS for chicken), I will be pressure canning my chicken for 90 minutes.
    If you only use part of a can of anything, please store it in a covered bowl in the fridge. Don’t leave it in the can. Just put a bit of freezer tape around the container and label it. Then plan to cook with it within a day or two. Be safe.

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