Stay Away from These 6 Peanut Butter Brands

peanut butter brands
Photo by Olga Miltsova from Shutterstock

These peanut butter brands are the WORST! 

While flavor is undoubtedly important, it’s also crucial to consider the brand’s nutritional qualities when rating the worst peanut butter brands on the market.

Even though peanut butter is a straightforward, nutritious meal produced from chopped peanuts, it contains many extraneous ingredients, including sugar, salt, and hydrogenated oils, which are added to improve flavor, texture, and shelf life.

Making wise dietary decisions is crucial given the concerning rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease in the United States. Limiting processed and sugary food intake is a good place to start when treating these conditions, and peanut butter is a simple solution.

Next time you go shopping, carefully examine the ingredients and select the one with the fewest ingredients.

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132 thoughts on “Stay Away from These 6 Peanut Butter Brands”

    1. Just check labeling to make sure your peanut butter has only “Roasted peanuts”. You’ll be surprised by how few on the grocery shelf fit that criteria.

    2. I think Peter Pan, Skippy and Jif Peanut butter are the best. They few peanut butter out there, not as popular, but just ask good. Do your diligence search.

      1. I am definitely with you on those 3 brands of peanut butter. Peter pan and Skippy is what I always get. I also give peanut butter to my dogs and they can only have the Skippy brand of peanut butter. There’s a ingredient that is toxic for dogs in most brands of peanut butter. Skippy was recommended by vets and all animal hospitals. As long as people stick to those brands they will be safe.

        1. I really like Smucker’s Natural Peanut Butter, only 2 ingredients,Peanuts and salt. You can get in chunky or creamy. Target carries it.

          1. I give my dog Kraft or Noname natural peanut butter. Only ingredient is peanuts. No sugar and no salt. I pour off the oil on top for my own cooking. Both available everywhere in Canada. Not sure about U.S.

          2. You are right Peter Pan has a lot of additives frutpose, I only buy Crazy Richards Natueral and no low fat they make it up with sugar grams . Hubby only eats Jiff even my dog wont eat anything but Jiff

          3. Note: If there’s a possibility that you’ll be giving any peanut butter to a dog, make certain it does not contain xylitol. It is highly toxic to dogs!

          4. Smucker’s peanut butter is my #1 go to. It’s in its natural peanut oil % has very few added ingredients

          1. I have been using Crazy Richards peanut butter for years. One ingredient- PEANUTS. As a natural peanut butter, it can separate from sitting for a long time. I put it in a bowl & use my hand mixer, then back in the jar it goes.

        1. The Xylitol is toxic to dogs. They started using it in some peanut butter as sweetener. It goes by another name too , but I cannot think of it, either palm or birch. It is so toxic, if a dog licks a gum wrapper from him containing it, the dog can die

        1. I am confused, I am reading the label of the Jif peanut butter and it says it contains roasted peanuts,sugar,contains 2% or less of molasses, fully hydorgenated vegitable oils (rapeseed and soybean), mono and digl ycerides, salt. Now I typed this exacely the way it is typed on the jar. There is no typos from me.

          So should Jif be considered one of the best peanut butters to consume?

      2. Frederick D Fitts

        Yup…..I agree. Skippy has been my favorite since my teenage years, I’m approaching age 81 in late October and still to this day I fix two sandwiches at least once every month…..and without jelly!!!!!👍🏽

      1. THAT is the Nutella of peanut butters… I won’t buy it again… I sat with a spoon and ate the whole thing… NOT a peanut butter for those without eating discipline!!!
        Skippy Super Chunk… 1 spoonful is enough…

      1. I’m surprised no one has mentioned Smucker’s Natural Peanut Butter. It only has peanuts in it. Low sodium of 95 and sugar 2 grams. Protein 8 grams per two tbsp. That is my go-to peanut butter. IU prefer chunky to creamy so these stats are for chunky. Thanks.

    3. One of the best recommendations is NAKED Organic Peanut Butter and NAKED CRUNCH Organic Peanut Butter (2-pack combo). It doesn’t contain sugar or salt; it’s gluten-free, and for 2 tablespoons, you will get 7 grams of protein. Order yours from Amazon by clicking on the link.

      1. On Amazon the price is $28.25. I think most people think that is a little expensive for the Frugal American to recommend.

    4. Richard J Smessaert

      What, of the brands available to me, are the best brands in my area of Appleton, WI. We do not have the brand Naked Peanut Butter here?

      1. The Xylitol is toxic to dogs. They started using it in some peanut butter as sweetener. It goes by another name too , but I cannot think of it, either palm or birch. It is so toxic, if a dog licks a gum wrapper from him containing it, the dog can die

    5. If you purchase you PB at the grocery store, read the “Ingredients” label, if there’s anything other than “roasted peanuts,” forget it. I get mine at Natural Grocer’s, they grind their own PB with nothing added, just peanuts. There will be a layer of oil at the top sometimes, it’s the natural oils from the peanuts. By the way, “peanuts” are not really “nuts,” they’re a “bean.”

    6. Any peanut butter that contains ONLY PEANUTS. There are lots of them, but you need to read the labeling. You’ll notice the more authentic roasted peanut taste.

    7. A friend recommended that I use the ‘Yuka’ app. It’s free and it reads the ingredients for me and rates the product as safe or not and why, i.e. preservatives, etc.
      That said, my husband lives on and his only go to is Skippy crunchy, although it does contain sugar, so it only received a good rating.

    8. I looked it up on line and this is what I found. Hope it helps.

      Smucker’s Goober Grape: Contains high amounts of added sugar, including corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup

      Amazon Fresh Peanut Butter: Contains hydrogenated vegetable oils, sugar, salt, and dry roasted peanuts
      Adams: Some say it’s difficult to spread and lacks consistent creaminess
      Skippy: Contains added sugar, hydrogenated vegetable oils, salt, and roasted peanuts
      Peter Pan Creamy Original Peanut Butter: Considered unhealthy by some
      Reese’s Creamy Peanut Butter Spread: Considered unhealthy by some
      Jif Reduced Fat Creamy Peanut Butter Spread: Considered unhealthy by some Then they (it seems) went the other way on us when picking the best. #1 Reese’s Creamy, #2 Crazy Richards creamy (?) #3 Smucker’s Natural creamy #4 Signature Select (Albersons) #5 Good and Gather Gang (Target) #6 Justin’s Classic. It sounded as though they went by taste first and foremost, and they apparently dealt with creamy only.

  1. In the Philippines, where I grabbed an early retirement, you will likely never find many products labeled “organic” except some fresh produce in one corner of the produce department. We have some of the popular US brands of peanut butter on the shelf and sadly, locals often think “imported is better.” We found locally produced peanut butter in various sizes that has great flavour and yes, a shorter shelf life because it has no extra additives in the mix. This is NOT a product you purchase and twenty (20)years later, it is still there waiting for you in the back of the cupboard! You will not escape some salt and sugar, Filipinos love sweet things and sugar is a big industry here. Still, it is a great pleasure to open a new container, stir in the peanut oil and have at it. A few locals have turned peanut butter making into a cottage industry, we purchase what we can whenever we find it.

    1. Hi, Jack.
      Glad you were able to retire in PI. I’m sure that things have changed drastically since my last time there in the 90’s. I definitely am sure there is no Olongapo. We called Subic Bay our home port instead of Yokosuka when I was on the MIDWAY. I always know if we wanted food from the stores then we never had a man issue buying what we wanted and it was always great. And, I certainly understand why Filipinos live longer than Americans bc of the lower amount of preservatives which are not needed and it is killing us. I battling cancer right now and I’m sure diet has some influence on this. I know that I would seek out canned products, especially peanut butter instead of imported there. Enjoy retirement and bet you are living pretty comfortably. I remember in the late 70’s or early 80’s when the peso was 20:1 and a buck would go a long way. Good luck and happy living. Enjoy. San Miguel for me.

    2. Filipinos definitely love sweet things. I used to date a woman that was from the Philippines, when I lived in Hanover, NH. She was going to Dartmouth College, to become a doctor. And it was so funny to me to see a 7th year med student (she was in her 7th year when we first started dating) that was going to become a doctor, that would eat SOOOO much sugar/sweet things. (Maybe that’s why she loved me, because I’m sweet. Lol). I watched her add sugar to things normal people wouldn’t. Such as on eggs, pizza, hot dogs/brats, corn, baked beans as well as green beans, peas, chicken and chicken nuggets, cheese burgers, (oddly enough she NEVER added sugar to just plain hamburgers on the rare times she ate them without cheese), pork chops, ice cream, lunch meat turkey, chicken breast, off the bone and black forest ham, bologna, and roast beef, etc. She would even add sugar to her milk, and in her hot and cold tea, hot chocolate, plain water, sometimes soda when she drank it very occasionally, and usually only when she drank Pepsi, Orange and Grape soda, as well as Strawberry Crush and Fanta. I’ve also seen her add extra sugar on top of pieces of pie and came. That woman LOVED her sugar. She also added a lot of salt to things too. And that list is at least three times longer than what she added sugar too. Including adding salt to cereal, ice cream, in her tea with the sugar, and ANY kind of fruit she would eat, she ALWAYS added a pinch of sugar and two pinches of salt.

      But I have to say, that all that sugar and would consume, must have started having an effect on her, because she herself was incredibly sweet. She was the nicest woman you’d ever meet. She’s the only one of my exes that if I ever had the chance to be with her again, (before I got married that is) I would have taken her back in a New York minute… PLUS, I don’t know if it was from all that sugar she consumed, or if it’s just a thing with Filipino women, (as well as Chinese women) but she also tasted incredibly sweet, which made her taste incredible and delicious. I would seriously go down to the Y and eat breakfast, lunch, and or dinner, nearly every single day. (Which she always loved, and rather enjoyed that I loved eating out at the Y as much as I did). And I NEVER had to beg, or use any guilt trips, or do anything to get her to let me. All I had to say was, “honey, I’m hungry, and really could use another delicious meal from the Y, and am definitely in the mood to eat out right now”. I sometimes didn’t even have the words completely finished and she was completely naked, both legs as far to the east and west as they could get, (which was quite far) or completely up over her head, with her ankles interlocking behind her head, which was my FAVORITE way for her to be, because it gave the absolute BEST view of EVERYTHING, and for some reason made the sprinkler system down at the Y turn on beyond full force, and made everything more soaking wet when she was like that, than any other position. And I loved it. When I’d eat out at the Y daily, or close to it, I’d always make it take a while. Kind of like an all you can eat buffet, where you just eat and eat and eat, then rest for a few minutes, and then eat and eat and eat some more until you can’t possibly eat anymore. So oftentimes when I ate out (at) the Y, I’d be eating for 2 or three hours at a time. And every single time I’d walk away soaked from the sprinkler system going full blast and soaking everything, almost to the point where I’d almost feel as if I was going to drown. Lol. And I don’t know if that’s just a Filipino female thing, or what. Because other than one Chinese woman I’ve been with, which was her friend from college at Dartmouth, that she wanted to have join us one night, to which I said absolutely since she looked like an even sexier version of Lucy Lu, in Kill Bill, I’d never seen a woman get so drenched, or taste so sweet and delicious. Her friend Wendy, was almost the EXACT same way. Almost EXACTLY. From the sweetness to the wetness. That was an amazing 7 hours and 40 minutes when the three of us got together… 27 different times.

      Unfortunately Marita and I only dated for 3 and a half years almost. (Her name was Marita. It was a blend of her father’s name, Martin, and her mother’s name, Rita). She was in her 11th year of school for medicine, and on her first year residency at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, when our relationship ended. And it didn’t end because either of us cheated, or lied, or did anything bad, nor did we stop loving each other. We loved each other more than anything. But on Christmas Eve, in 2011, she was called into work at the hospital on her day off because they were short staffed. And she loved helping people, so she said she’d go in. Well it was so busy at the hospital because there was a nasty snowstorm blowing through. So bad it was all over the national news. Well she went to work, told me she’d get off at 6 in the morning and she’d be back to have Christmas with me and my family. We kissed, exchanged “I love you’s”, and I never spoke to her again. I thought it was odd that all night long, she never sent me even one single text saying hi, or Merry Christmas, or just to tell me how work was. Because she always did. I just assumed it was because they were busy. But what really happened was, as she was driving to work, she was about 7 miles away from our house and 4 miles from the hospital, when a semi truck lost control due to the storms heavy snow and ice, he got black ice and lost control of his rig, and ended up smashing into Marita, head on. He survived without a scratch, and even though she had her seat belt on, she was killed instantly upon impact due to the force of the truck crushing her car and her. The coroner said she would have died instantly based on the evidence he had, and said she never would have felt anything, or even knew what was happening because it would have happened so quick, killing her instantly. She was pronounced DOA when the first responders got to the scene. And I had no idea that all night long I was wondering why I hadn’t gotten any messages, and she was dead all along. And I never had that chance to say goodbye, which is my biggest regret… But I found out by the police knocking on my door at around 8:30 AM on Christmas morning when they told me what happened. I had to go with them to identify her body, which was the worst Christmas I ever had, and to this day I can’t get the image out of my head of the way she looked. She looked so beautiful, as if she was only sleeping. She didn’t hardly have a single scratch on her. Unfortunately everything was internal, plus the impact INSTANTLY separated the brain stem from her spine, which is what killed her instantly. There would have been no way she could have survived, or been helped. And that’s why I don’t celebrate Christmas to this day, And my now wife understands, and let’s me not celebrate it.

      But I will say, I loved her very much. And I’d never be able to be with a Filipino woman ever again, because she meant tol much to me. It would be too difficult for me, because all I’d be able to see would be Marita…

      1. Boy, your narrative about Marita could be a movie material.
        I am a Filipina and a nurse.
        Your compliments about the endearing qualities of a Filipina is truly flattering.
        Thank you, although Marita is now gone, I hope you have found your present happiness with your family.]
        Stay healthy and stay happy.
        Love wins.

        1. I understand the love he’s speaking upon, I too was so in love with a Filipino young lady and nurse. I miss her so very much. But, I don’t get it how he got upon his friend and didn’t mention peanut butter. Lmbo.

      2. Oh! Sorry to hear about the sad ending with Marita! She is now in heaven! My prayers for you too! Am a retired dual citizen of both US and the Philippines and now shuttling between here & there.

      3. My mother said she observed Filipinos love to put sugar on their avocados and also with loads of ketchup. Yes, they love SUGAR in everything.

  2. if Peanut butter oils have raised to the top of the jar before opening, is it still good if you stir?
    Seller claims this is a normal occurence and states it on the top of the jar. Brand is Presidents Choice.

    1. I just put the jar upside down when I put it away.
      That was the peanut butter on top when I open it.
      Easy to mix.
      Crazy Richard’s peanut butter.
      The only ingredients.

    2. Every brand of natural peanut butter will do this. The presence of other oils help keep it all mixed
      Do when its only peanuts, the oil separates
      I turn it ove a few times over a few days to make stirring easier.

  3. donald dee dumbass

    just wait until RFK Jr, comes for everyone’s sugary sweet cereal and their diet mountain Dew artificial sweeteners. Better yet wait and see how much lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers will cost for your fresh salad after tRump deports all the migrant labor that usually picks the nations fruit and veggies.

        1. What people know and what people admit are not always the same.
          The reason maybe (and appears to be so) that some people profit when the USA is in chaos and for others that do not think for themselves because they simply parrot their slave masters rhetoric.

        2. That’s because you are ignorant (forgive me for saying so). The reason you had four good years of Trump was a)the Covid epidemic started towards the end of his stewardship, the responsibilities to fight it he gave to the States which caused havoc–he is incapable of handling a real crisis and b) because he raided the piggy bank. The national debt which he now is sooo concerned about was raised by 75 TRILLION dollars during his first term. So while you were living sweetly those four years, generations of Americans will have to pay for your trip to fantasy island.

      1. You know, I was about to ask the same thing.
        On top of that I do not understand how and why this was published ! Really ? Unless you are buying special reviews or books to get you going, this has no place in this news outlet.
        What if a young kid, girl or boy, would happen to read the peanut review for his own info ??? And , whoever the editor of this paper is, this was not a smart decision on his part.

    1. I agree with you totally. They slowed the immigration and the farmers didn’t have anyone to harvest their crops. Damn right economics goes up. Just like trumpsters complain about gas and his snswer is drill=he has stock/deal with prince of Saudia Arabia. At least Obama had us using OUR OWN stash, which meant the gas was cheaper. Truth is we are caught in the spider’s web!!

      1. You guys can’t help yourselves. Everything to you is antiTrump isn’t it? I worked on Obama’s 2008 campaign. He and Eric Holder, his wingman, which is also a breech of our Constitution, are the two highest ranking racists ever to serve in the US government. As for RFK Jr, show me where he said he was going to ban products. He is a big advocate of free speech, something your side has totally abandoned. He wants full disclosure and will work with companies to make their products safer and healthier. That is a good thing.

      2. Keep up the lies. Brainwashed for sure. Obama destroyer of America ran an illegal 3rd term to continue locking in his New World Order. Wake up.

      3. Have you been here for the last 4 years or have you been sleeping or plain stupid. Did you not live in the USA when Trump was president. Things were good then. Not Hell like now.

    2. Generally speaking the “migrants” who work the fields have documents allowing them to be in the USA legally; really do not believe they are on the deportation hit lists. As far as RFK Jr. is concerned; I hope someone can curtail the food industry from adding ingredients that are not needed to enhance their products shelf life. I would like to see research labs have more restrictions. Dr. Fauci and Wuhan lab should be held responsible for their mistake -look at all the people who died from COVID as well as those who died from the vaccine or those who now have permanent damage to their lungs and heart. Personally, I think putting new people in place may be the best way to turn our economy and our future around. Also, buy yourself some seeds, get a raised bed for your patio, and grow your own lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers; make some pickles while your at it!

    3. Too true, Mr. Dumbass ~ We’ve not seen the fuzziest end of the lollipop yet!! Once #45, and ilk take over the entire country, the costs of Everything will be out of reach for the majority of us. Those foods grown will be out of reach, covered with toxic pesticides, and inedible. A Personal Garden? Nice, but for many this is not viable. We’ve grown many foods in containers. Life is to change, and NOT for the better, so “gather ye peanut butters while ye may,” and make sure it’s Skippy with No Sugar Added. Bless us each and every one…

    4. There aren’t as many migrants working the fields as used to be. I had a lot of friends who worked in the wineries & orchards before immigrants replaced them. Those were good jobs for college bound graduates. I know people who lost jobs in wineries because they didn’t speak Spanish. Same happened on construction sites.

    5. You are exactly correct. RFK Jr will destroy our world around us just like Trump will. He told another country to stop giving measles shots, that they were unsafe, 85 children died of measles. We don’t need that man in this country. He also will start telling every city and town to stop fluorinating our water. Kids will start having cavities before they turn 12. Its disgusting.

    6. There are and have been for decades workers from other countries who come to work on farms. They leave when the job is done. So what is your point. Low information means === low information.

  4. my name is Paul. I am still very healthy and not ever had problem with peanut butter yet. I am 74 years old. Skippy happens to be my favorite brand.

    1. Yes Paul, I agree…. I am 86 years young and never had a problem with peanut butter or anything else. I buy on the cheap and IF I WAS A COUCH POTATO and lay around eating jars of peanut butter, I’m sure it would have an effect on me. As with anything else, moderation is the key ….

  5. I go to Big Y. Before Covid they had a station where you could grind own nut butters. Can’t get any better than that. Now they do the grinding and date when it was ground.

  6. Justin’s nut butter is some of the best. Also Barney butter, they make almond that is completely peanut free and now in another factory they make peanut butter also

  7. I just go to supermarket and buy their fresh ground peanuts in plastic container and ingredients are just peanuts! Healthy! Now to address the Trump haters who commented previously because I’m a Maga (Make America Great Again) lover….. we need to close the border and have people enter LEGALLY and slowly so we can run our democracy balanced and not out of whack. We put stress on all towns and cities/agencies when we open the flood gates. Then many of them do not become assimilated into our culture. Many of them have been released from prisons. Many are terrorists. Think about that before you jump to conclusions. It’s not about the farmers hiring labor mostly but about our lazy ass citizens’ kids who don’t want to work. There’s plenty of them who don’t like college and are only hands on and can get dirty and work. Maga lovers love their country and the constitution…. the last few admins over many years have tried to take our rights away and tried to do away with some of our rights in the constitution, ie, right to bear arms, freedom of speech (suppression and censorship on social media and news, right to be a parent without school/fbi/police involvement), and other hidden agendas that we don’t even know about and the mainstream corrupt media will hide everything the elites/polticians/big corp want, with their life or be fired. Where’s honest journalism? Gone! Where’s patriotism or what we fought for?
    When Trump was in for 4 yrs, it ran better. He was getting things done for us. It’s not about Trump, it’s what the majority of people who have their eyes wide open want and we want America back!

  8. I look for peanut butter that is just peanut butter, 100% peanut butter, nothing but peanut butter.
    No added salt, emulsifiers, no other oils…..just peanuts.

  9. Some of the comments are so unreal. Can’t help themselves putting blame and assumptions. Where are these people living that are fine with the way things are here in America and the rest of the world ?
    How do they not see peanuts is not a big deal of a problem except for those that are highly allergic to peanuts.

  10. I have always liked “Crazy Richard’s” peanut butter because it has nothing added. It is available in both smooth and crunchy. Better yet, I just buy plain unsalted peanuts and grind them in my food processor until it has the spreadable consistency. Absolutely nothing added, delicious, and more healthful.

  11. He is sending back mostly all the terrorists, pedos, the criminal gangs that are a threat to us. I agree with him. He is not deporting the working immigrants. I just hope that things will be better for all of us.

  12. I find it amazing that peanut butter can raise such a political response. I’m all for truth in advertising. I buy “Teddie” brand – just ground peanuts no sugars or preservatives. The oil separates and it needs to be refrigerated. My adult son and daughter buy Jif reduced fat. It at least is honest packaging – it states just below “25% less fat than peanut butter” that it is a “peanut butter spread, 60% peanuts”. It also states that it has no artificial preservatives but it does contain ferric orthophosphate, zinc oxide, copper sulfate, pyridoxine hydrochloride – all of which are preservatives. Jif does not need to be refrigerated and has a shelf life of 3 years.
    So my point is that any ground peanut product containing more than ground peanuts should be labeled SPREAD not butter.
    As for the presidential politics I’m tired of voting against the worst of two poor choices. I’m 77, always voted, only once for a candidate that I liked (a peanut farmer} and then was disappointed that he couldn’t lead. Why are we mostly enamored with old white men?

    1. If you had voted the other of the two you did right and avoided voting for a criminal, God help us.
      .Everyone needs to do some research and flnd out everything trump has done, you might be shocked,
      over 30,000 lies and counting for starters and I could go on and on.

  13. When I was much younger my absolute favorite sandwich was bologna with lettuce and cheese. When I made it to 7th grade I realized how burnt out I was. Peanut butter has been my go-to ever since (I am in my mid-60s). 20 Years ago I started to eat bologna again but it will never be my absolute favorite again. I tend to prefer Peter Pan extra crunchy. I love to dunk a peanut butter sandwich in my bowl of soup. I am also fond of peanut butter on toast with 4 link sausages in the middle.

  14. Buy a bag of salted peanuts, toast them in a pan or in the oven just enough that it begins to smell of peanuts. Let them cool. Place them in a baggie, crush them with a rolling pin or bottle ( e.g., wine, whiskey) or clothes iron Place the crushed peanuts in a blender or food processor for 4-5 minutes depending on the strength of the appliance. Voilà, you have peanut butter.

    You can add sugar, salt, honey, chocolate, gummy bears, or mix of nuts or chemical preservatives whose names you can’t pronounce. It’s up to you. You do you. A lot cheaper than store bought.

  15. Why does every conversation turn to politics? But since it has how does a felon become our 45th president? Better buy up all the peanut butter be used 45 is done with this country it might be all we can get to eat if we can afford to buy it.😭

  16. You better buy gold because the dollar is going out.You might buy Bitcoin if you got enough money to
    buy it. Obtw they are minted silver coins with trumps mug on it. Ain’ that great and you can hold them
    and cuddle your favorite and knowing that he gets most of the costs. I am glad knowing that I did not
    a convicted criminal to the office of president of the USA

  17. Adams Peanut Butter is the healthiest. Made totally Natural. No Salt, Sugar or Hydrogenated Oils in this one. It comes in a Glass Jar, no plastics. Only Peanuts and Peanut oil. No salt or sugar. It comes with the peanut oil separated, so it looks oily and has to be stirred, but we stir it together and keep refrigerated. That way the peanut oil and peanuts stay together. It comes in crunchy and smooth! Best real peanut flavor I ever tasted, but people want the unhealthy sugars, corn syrup and salt with no separation. Once you get used to the true peanut flavors, you won’t go back to the sweet, salty hydrogenated brands.

  18. Winco has machines to grind your own for less than $3/lb. It never lasts long enough to have the oil seperate (if it did we would buy a lesser amount). We used to go to Frys (Krogers) before they removed the machines. I used to top my PB with honey from a vat at a natural food store but they were bought out and only sell it prepackaged. I make a sandwich every day and haven’t had any health problems at all. It pays to watch what you eat, after all your health depends on it.

  19. Laura Scudders Old Fashioned Peanut Butter is peanuts and salt, that’s it. I’ve been eating it for over 60 years. I like the salt as I don’t get much salt from anything else in my diet. It’s a natural product.

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