7 Kirkland Products You Must Try NOW!

Photo by ThePowerPlant from shutterstock.com

4. Gasoline

Even though not all Costco stores have a gas station, those that do offer pretty amazing deals. Due to the recent rise in gas prices, this price drop is very welcome by customers.

For example, regular Kirkland Signature gas was about 3% cheaper at a Virginia Costco than at other more popular gas stations in the state.

Even though there’s only a little difference in price per gallon, you might potentially save $3 or more if you fill up on the way to Costco. Don’t worry, the gasoline they offer is of premium quality, so you won’t hurt your car while trying to save some bucks in your wallet.

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3 thoughts on “7 Kirkland Products You Must Try NOW!”

  1. The only item on this list worth the trip is the Rotisserie Chicken. Kirkland paper towels and the stuffed peppers are also worth the trip. Costco in our area doesn’t have gasoline so we can’t compare the price. Stay away from the hot dogs; TERRIBLE taste.

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