7 Kirkland Products You Must Try NOW!

Photo by zedspider from shutterstock.com

However, you might need to wait a couple of minutes in line to fill up your tank, but if you don’t rush anywhere, you’re lucky. Moreover, you don’t have to pull up to the pumps on the side of the vehicle where the gas tank door is, since the hoses are longer than usual.

The hose will more likely reach both sides of the pump if you’re at a convenient location, so you won’t waste time waiting in line to pull up to the correct side of the pump.

…Before you click on the next page, we have to warn you of something! You’ll be very hungry when you read about this delicious Kirkland product!

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3 thoughts on “7 Kirkland Products You Must Try NOW!”

  1. The only item on this list worth the trip is the Rotisserie Chicken. Kirkland paper towels and the stuffed peppers are also worth the trip. Costco in our area doesn’t have gasoline so we can’t compare the price. Stay away from the hot dogs; TERRIBLE taste.

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