9 Beers that Shouldn’t Cost as Much as They Do


Your Favorite Beers that Cost an Arm and A Leg!

Whether you crack a few cold beers on your back deck during the summer or simply cozy up with a warming stout at a pub downtown, you probably love drinking the occasional pick-me-up. Moreover, the U.S. reportedly made a wide volume of over 200 hectoliters of beer, which makes it the second-largest beer-producing country in the entire world.

As people drink and enjoy this beverage, there are some specific types and brands that are changing as well. In fact, it turns out that craft beer sales will keep increasing as time goes by. But, as many consumers already know, not all beers are the same. Some of the most expensive ones are simply not worth the price, and today, we’re going to enlist them!

Photo by niksdope from Shutterstock

BrewDog Sinks the Bismark

As we’ve recently discovered, “Sink the Bismark” is an IPA, but much more “amplified,”  as the West Lakeview Shores Liquor is one of the few places out there where you can buy this beer. But if you’re getting it, make sure you’re ready to dish out $230.

BrewDog’s website states that Sink the Bismark is four times the hop, the bitterness, and also an impressive 41% ABV. If you ask us, quadrupling the hop and bitterness doesn’t really sound like the most pleasurable experience.

The Bruery Papier 2009 Anniversary Ale

At almost $300 per 750-ml. bottle, the Papier 2009 Anniversary Ale was initially released in 2009 by beer manufacturers as the “first-anniversary beer.” No less than 75% of it is oak-aged, 25% barrel-aged, and it has a hefty 14.5% ABV.

When this beer was first available, it was launched as an exclusive brewery-only release. But honestly, you can get drunk just by looking at the price, as it costs a whopping $249.99.

Schorschbock 57

This beer is not only seen as the best beer by some people, especially since it has an ABV of 57%, but the price is also, well, exquisite. According to Schorschbrau Brewery, it’s one of the strongest beers in the world, and it sells the beverage on the market for $300.

If you can drink like the Germans and you are also willing to put up an insane amount of cash for a brew, then you should definitely try it. Otherwise, make sure you skip this one and find something that won’t add any kind of guilt to the finance sector.

NYC airport beer

During the summer of 2021, a traveler passing through Terminal C at LaGuardia Airport in New York tweeted a picture of the drink menu at a random restaurant in the terminal. Curious to know the price range? Well, you had options from $13.05 all the way to $27.85, which is quite high even for an airport drink!

Sam Adams’ Utopias

You must have tipped back on the somewhat weird Boston lager commonly known as Sam Adams, but it’s worth noting that for the past decade, the brewery has also released a series of expensive, limited-edition, barrel-aged beers known as Utopias.

The ABV clocks somewhere at 28%, which is high enough to get banned in certain states. Moreover, it’s somehow extreme, especially compared to the 5% ABV in any typical Sam Adams lager.

Photo by TORWAISTUDIO from Shutterstock

Beer at Fenway Park

If you’ve decided to hit up Fenway Park for an exciting Red Sox game anytime in the future, you might have to start saving now. Even if so far we all agreed on the fact that the most expensive beer overall is the New York Mets at Citi Field, charging $11.75 for a 20-ounce beer, Fenway’s 12-ounce beer is $8.50, which makes it way more expensive by volume since it costs 71 cents per ounce.

Floyd’s Dark Lord

For only $150, you get four bottles of Indiana Brewery’s rare vintage beers, and you also get the experience of a famous Dark Lord Day, which is this full-of-frenzy event of metal music and day drinking.

Moreover, the only way in which you can get your hands on this type of beer is by attending the festival. As a bonus, they will throw in a famous Dark Lord Day tote bag. Worth it? That’s up to you, really. But since 2023, these vintage beer packs have been sold out, and only time will tell if they decide to launch another promotion.

Beer at the Super Bowl

Let’s be real: if you’re attending the big game, then you already know you will spend a ton of money. If you want to spend even more, you drink their beers, since a Michelob Ultra costs $17. Craft beers also ruin the budget of game-goers with every $19 spent on a beer. Not to mention the cocktails! If you want to drink a cocktail at the Super Bowl, expect to pay $20 per cocktail.

All in all, who needs expensive beer when you can get something cheaper and just as good? That’s why we recommend this pack, which you can easily order from Amazon. Cheaper, better, and happier (you, not the beer).

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