7 Secrets Whole Foods Market Employees Are Hiding From You

whole foods
whole foods
photo by Rawpixel.com from Shutterstock

1. Yes, Whole Foods has coupons

The first good news on the list is that whole foods have coupons, and they are in digital form. All you have to do is download the app on your phone, and whenever you are at the checkout line, open the application and sign it. Show the coupon bar to the cashier to scan it, and instantly you receive a discount. Depending on each day of the week, discounts can be for meat, fresh produce, or some homemade products. Neat, right?

2. Always shop in the morning

This is basically the golden rule for most supermarkets: avoid entering Whole Foods on a Wednesday or Sunday at 5 or 6 p.m., when people are looking for dinner after work or finishing their weekly shopping. There will be nearly as many people as there were at Woodstock!

Even on Saturdays and Sundays, most stores have less crowding in the mornings, making it easier to do a large grocery shop. You can also get first dibs on recently stocked fish, meat, and produce items! That requires that you can walk casually along the aisles while carrying the freshest ingredients available. Keep this in mind next time you go shopping at Whole Foods!

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