Never Throw Away Food Again With These 6 Genius Tips!

waste, food
Photo by j.chizhe From Shutterstock

#6 Be a smart shopper!

The easiest way to save money when you are shopping and to lower the amount of food you waste is to become a better shopper. The secret is in the way you shop, not in the speed with which you do it. This means that you should look at your eating habits, what you end up using up, and what you end up throwing away, and decide if the way in which you have been shopping so far is the best way to go about it.

A lot of Americans prefer to only go grocery shopping once a week to stock up on everything. Yet, this can lead to food spoiling and a lot of waste if you do not get to use all that you have bought, especially when it comes to fresh produce.

If this appears to be the case for you, you should include a mid-week grocery run where you buy other foods you may require and only in the quantities you require if they are easily spoilable. If you are worried this could rack up your gas bill, think about carpooling with a friend or with family members so you can share some of the costs!

And since we have been talking about shopping smart, make sure to skip on these Walmart products! You will find better deals elsewhere!

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