8 Affordable Foods That Will Last a LONG Time in Your Kitchen

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photo by Fotografiche from Shutterstock

Affordable or healthy? You can definitely strike for both options! 

If you’re trying to eat healthier, you’ve probably noticed that most foods are so expensive that it feels like you’re paying an arm and a leg for them. Sheesh! And another huge problem with these foods is that, besides having skyrocketing prices, they also spoil too soon.

Therefore, you will have to go more often to the grocery store. That’s why a lot of people prefer eating things that are more affordable compared to something that’s expensive and healthy. But we have a secret for you: after extensive research, we discovered some foods that are not only inexpensive but also nutritious, and they also last a long time in your kitchen/pantry.

Let’s see which ailments you should put on your next shopping list! Click on the next page to see the rest of the article.

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