These 9 Discontinued Cereal Brands Are Coming Back Strong

Photo by Lynn Watson from Shutterstock

Kellogg’s Cinnabon Cereal

Five years after being discontinued, this tasty, sweet, cinnamon-flavored cereal has returned.

The return of Kellogg’s Cinnabon, which tastes even better than the frosted, sugar-laden cinnamon rolls that so many Americans love and seek, is a much-awaited comeback that followed after years of social media pressure, including an online petition hosted by

General Mills Count Chocula

General Mills cereal was seen for the first time in 1971, and it stuck around for many years, as it was available everywhere until 2009. Basically, we’re talking about 40 years!

But ever since then, the cereal has been somehow discontinued, making occasional appearances during the Halloween season. However, this year, Count Chocula is fully back, but only for a limited amount of time.

General Mills Frute Brute

If you truly loved a good bowl of Frute Brute when you were younger, then you must be happy to read this. Frute Brute first appeared in the 1970s, and for the last 10 years, it couldn’t be found anywhere in stores. But now, as of 2022, the discontinued Frute Brute is back on track, baby.

Post-Waffle Crisp

A mainstay cereal of breakfast for children (and some adults, too) that could be found everywhere in the latter half of the 1990s, Post’s Waffle Crisp is now back after four years of absence.

The company has finally responded to a surge of consumer demand after the cereal was heavily discontinued. Apparently, this time the cereals will last, as Waffle Crisp is back for good!

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