These 9 Discontinued Cereal Brands Are Coming Back Strong

Photo by Lynn Watson from Shutterstock

General Mills Boo Berry

The same as Count Chocula and Frute Brute, Boo Berry cereal dates all the way back to 1971, which is the year General Mills went big on the Halloween holiday cereal.

It got discontinued in 2009, but now Boo Berry Breakfast Cereal, which is a blueberry-flavored cereal, is back as a limited edition seasonal release. You can find it at Walmart.

Post-Oreo’s O’s

It wasn’t enough for people to have Oreos just as cookies, they really needed to have cereal Oreos, too. Even more, when Post decided to discontinue Oreo’s O’s breakfast cereal in 2007, after less than a decade on the market, consumers started to clamor.

It might have taken a while, but per “Today”, the cereal returned in 2017, and it’s still available today.

General Mills Franken Berry

The last Monster Cereals that were released by General Mills in the early ’70s and then discontinued for many years in the 2000s, Franken Berry has returned.

But it’s not alone, as it returned with its dear companions, Count Chocula, Boo Berry, and Frute Brute. As you will probably notice, all the Monster Cereal boxes have these pretty cool retro artworks, that are made by the contemporary artist Kaws.

General Mills French Toast Crunch

French Toast Crunch cereal appeared in the 1990s and immediately won the public, both in America and up north in Canada, too.

However, General Mills didn’t think the cereals actually had enough fans in the States, and it completely stopped offering the cereal in America back in 2006, even if it hasn’t disappeared from the Canadian shelves. America finally understood that it has to return, so this glorious flavorful cereal is now back.

Kellogg’s Smorz

Let’s admit it, some like it sweet. Others, however, like it “s’mores in a breakfast cereal” kind of sweet. Luckily, Kellogg decided to listen to those folks, and relaunched Smorz cereal production in early 2021, eight years after it got discontinued.

It first appeared on the shelves in 2003. As a Kellogg senior marketing director said, it was because of the petition and the cereal’s “passionate fanbase” that convinced them to relaunch this product.

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