6 Best and Worst Kroger Deals

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Image By Jonathan Weiss From Shutterstock

Best Kroger Deals

Simple Truth Organic

If it’s organic products you’re looking for, you definitely have to give Simple Truth from Kroger a try. Not only are they going to be amongst the cheapest organic products you can get from a grocery store that isn’t a name brand, but they are also some of the best in terms of quality.

Of course, there are other grocery stores that have good organic lines, but Simple Truth is one of the best things you can get from Kroger: you won’t be breaking the bank, and you know you will get quality for anything organic you are looking for.

Private Selection

This is Kroger’s house brand when it comes to groceries, which is a diamond hidden away. After all, Private Selection is known to not only have some of the best products among all American grocery stores, but they manage to do this for amazing prices. When it comes to what you should definitely get from Private Selection, there are a number of things that are both of the salted and savory variety.

The most famous picks are, surprisingly, some of the pre-prepared foods like mac and cheese and the frozen pizzas, as well as the ice creams, which sport some unusual, yet decadent flavors! Despite this, you should also check out both their deli and raw meats, as well as their breads, frozen veggies, sauces, and many others. Chances are, if it’s Private Selection, they will be one of the best when it comes to store brands.

Kroger’s Own Brand Cookies

If you’re a fan of Girl Scout cookies and you’d wish you could eat them all year round, look no further than Kroger’s cookie section. They have their own brand that somehow managed to replicate the most popular Girl Scout cookies’ taste. Sure, it’s not going to be a 100 percent quality dupe, but when it comes to taste, they’re definitely going to satiate that craving when you cannot get the real deal.

When it comes to Thin Mints, Tagalongs, and Samoas, you can find in the cookie aisle the Mint Fudge Enrobed Cookies, the Peanut Butter Fudge Enrobed Cookies, and the Coconut and Caramel Fudge Cookies that will replicate their taste to a T! It seems like Kroger’s response is to rely on the fudge aspect, but we cannot blame them. They’re to die for!

All stores have their dos and don’ts since none of them can be perfect, but here we have gathered some of the best-kept Aldi secrets you may find interesting!

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