7 Things You Should Never Buy From Target (and Why)

Target holiday
Photo by Africa Studio from shutterstock.com

2. Target brand paper towel

Target’s Up & Up paper towels don’t take a stand against more popular brands. Even though they’re cheaper, they’re not high-quality, which means that you’ll need to use more sheets at a time. And this goes straight to buying another set of paper towels in a short amount of time. As you can imagine, you’ll end up spending money and going to Target again.

You can avoid this by switching to more trusted brands instead. Bounty’s paper towels, for instance, are very good, according to several customers. They aren’t as cheap as the Target brand products, but they get the job done, and the best part is that they’re more durable and don’t require a lot of sheets at a time.

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1 thought on “7 Things You Should Never Buy From Target (and Why)”

  1. Ellis Smith, Jr.

    I buy only one (1) item from Target. Pop-Secret Jumbo popping corn in the 50 ounce size jar. This because, Target is the only place, I’ve found it. Public’s has the popcorn, but in a much smaller, (20oz) size, for almost the same price! We have three Targets in my town but, they are the farthest stores for me to shop, (4 to 12 miles), than the other combo food/drygoods style stores, (3 blocks to 2 miles).

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