5. Target brand salad dressing
Even though a lot of people say that Target brand mayonnaise, ketchup, and maple syrup are extremely delicious, the retailer’s salad dressing is not as good as the other ones. Some reviewers stated that one of their products, the Caesar dressing, was full of dehydrated spice flavors and black pepper.
If you want a product that will make your salad even more delicious than it already is, try the Romano dressing from Trader Joe’s instead. This one is not only creamy and tasty, but it’s actually lower in sodium and cholesterol compared to the one from Target.
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1 thought on “7 Things You Should Never Buy From Target (and Why)”
I buy only one (1) item from Target. Pop-Secret Jumbo popping corn in the 50 ounce size jar. This because, Target is the only place, I’ve found it. Public’s has the popcorn, but in a much smaller, (20oz) size, for almost the same price! We have three Targets in my town but, they are the farthest stores for me to shop, (4 to 12 miles), than the other combo food/drygoods style stores, (3 blocks to 2 miles).