4 Tips To Re-Decorate Your Living Room with Only Free and Secondhand Finds

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vacation planning, decorate
Photo by d_odin from Shutterstock

Never miss the chance to ask for a discount

If you’ve ever had to move houses and had to get rid of a lot of furniture fast, you know how it goes. You may want to get back $100 for that antique mirror, but you’re willing to get just half because you’re in a hurry. The same goes for when you’re in the market to get some pieces to re-decorate your house! You can never know what kind of deals you can get, but to get to that point, you have to first ask!

Don’t be scared to ask for discounts on second-hand items: the worst thing that can happen is for the seller to tell you that they cannot do that. And if you think you can get a better price, why miss the opportunity? As long as you’re polite about it, you can end up scoring almost anything at a discount in a marketplace!

Why buy a new plant when you can upcycle one and use it to decorate?

Hear us out: Getting fresh plants is quite hard, and always having to get new ones for your living room because you got a new shelf and it could use some plant decorations is not really going to cut it! You will end up spending way too much on plants when you could just end up either saving a sad-looking one someone tried to throw away or helping your friends declutter their balconies!

A lot of us fall prey to the overwhelming amount of plants that have started to appear in all the interior design magazines and that’s for good measure: plants will make your living space look more alive, so why not use them to decorate as much as we can? But suddenly having to buy everything can be expensive, so just ask around! You’re bound to have a few friends that could donate a plant or two, and you can always upcycle one from around your neighborhood.

Just make sure you place the ones you’re nursing back to health between those that are already thriving!

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