Unless they’re a best seller, don’t expect to find anything more specialized or something more niche! The target book section is generally well stocked, but if you’re looking for anything from an author’s early career or less well-known works, they’re not going to cater to those. Moreover, their non-fiction section is lacking, especially in the self-learning department, which is truly lacking, so don’t hold too much hope for that one.
You’re better off heading to your local bookstore or something more niche. Even an online library or physical one will serve your needs better!
However, if you’re looking for the things you should definitely pick up from Target, we’ve also got you covered! Read all about them here!
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1 thought on “Worst things at Target! Don’t Buy These 8 Things”
Not a frequent Target shopper. Occasional toddler or children’s clothing or toys for grandchildren. Thanks for info!