Whether you are shopping for household items or yourself, you would like to save some money. Most people only focus on saving money and forget about the quality of the product. What is the point of buying something at cheap rates and then spending money on its maintenance?
So, if you want to save money, there are some smart and savvy ways that you should know. Some so-called ‘bargains’ will cost you more over time.
Light Bulbs
Buying incandescent or halogen lights can cost you a huge amount of money in the longer run, and if you still decide to buy them, the choice is yours.
A $1 incandescent bulb lasts 1,200 hours, requires 21 replacements over the course of 23 years, consumes $180 in power, and costs a total of $201 over its lifetime. On the other hand, an LED bulb costs $8 or less, lasts for 25,000 hours, consumes $30 in electricity over the same 23-year period, and does not require replacement.
While $8 is more expensive than $1, $201 is far more costly than $38.