19 Things You Shouldn’t Buy Anymore in 2023

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Photo by goffkein.pro from Shutterstock

Disposable wipes

Are they handy? Definitely! Are they good for the planet? Not at all! Baby wipes, disinfecting wipes, along with their ilk have become more popular in the last decade…even before the coronavirus pandemic made disinfecting wipes the ideal must-have product for most people.

That’s why you should consider replacing them with biodegradable, compostable wipes for babies or even for yourself, and reusable microfiber cloths for house cleaning and dusting.

Immunity boosters

Airborne is an extremely popular supplement currently sold as a cure for the common cold and a general immune booster. The product has vitamins, minerals, herbs, and various supplements, such as ginger. However, researchers at Ohio State University pointed out that there is no scientific evidence to prove that Airborne can really prevent or cure a cold.

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