19 Things You Shouldn’t Buy Anymore in 2023

Photo by sit from Shutterstock

Plastic cutlery

Non-recyclable plastic utensils might be very cheap and convenient, but they still contribute to mounting environmental issues. They definitely can’t be used again, so they end up in landfills and sometimes even pollute the waterways, as more plastic cutlery is used from non-renewable petroleum. You should consider switching to compostable cutlery that’s entirely made from cornstarch.

Plastic sandwich bags

Americans need around 100 billion plastic sandwich bags in only one year. That doesn’t include the other countries or the quart- and gallon-sized versions we also need. At an average cost of only 1.7 cents per bag, there are $380 million we’re throwing in the trash every single year. You should consider buying reusable beeswax paper: you’ll save money and the planet.

Brand-name drugs

There are many ways to save on prescriptions, but also on over-the-counter drugs. You should ask your pharmacist about all the other generic substitutes, and try to compare prices at warehouse stores, such as Costco or Walmart.

Disposable razors

Around 150 million Americans use disposable razors, and eventually, that plastic still ends up in a landfill. Those who shave on a regular basis (with these products) should consider investing in an electric shaver, straight razor, or refillable razor.

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