Newly Expensive Products? 5 Things That Will See a Price Increase

Image By Checubus From Shutterstock

Christmas Trees

This may seem surprising to a lot of us, especially if you grew up with a natural tree during the holidays. Yet, we may not be able to share the happiness of the spruce tree with our young ones since the wildfires we have seen over recent years, along with severe droughts, have turned them into a hot commodity.

Even the artificial varieties are not immune to rising prices, with a 25 percent increase. Not to mention the fact that plastic as a material has seen raised prices. We may be able to get all the presents for our loved ones, but getting a tree, unless you already have one, will prove to be a challenge.

And if you thought ornaments and tree dresses are not part of this, think again: they have also become harder to come by in certain parts of the country and their prices have proved just how expensive it has become to decorate your house.

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1 thought on “Newly Expensive Products? 5 Things That Will See a Price Increase”

  1. Maybe people will learn to save instead of trashing. They need to learn there is no shame using things more than once. Or eating leftovers.

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