Newly Expensive Products? 5 Things That Will See a Price Increase

clothes with coupons, thrift, expensive
Photo by Racool-Studio from Envato Elements

Definitely more expensive: Clothes

Yes, it’s one of the things we all definitely need, but also one that has definitely gotten more expensive as the years go by. And if it happened to you that you needed a new pair of pants or started going to the gym and needed new activewear, we are sure you noticed that everything became a little bit more expensive.

Actually, all the prices rose for activewear by about 4,2 percent, while other categories have seen higher or lower percentages when it comes to these: dresses with 11.9 percent, suits and sports coats with 4.7, and even children’s clothes have seen increases (1.4 for boys’ clothes and 2.8 for girls).

This is due to the rising prices of cotton, which in turn makes everything that uses it more expensive. President Trump’s policies regarding China and the trade with them have also made getting this resource harder, and President Biden has largely kept them in place.

With prices steadily rising, we can’t expect them to go back down anytime soon, and instead, we should keep an eye out on possible sales and deals when shopping for clothes.

Yet if you’re looking for items that are going to save you some money in the long run, read our list here to see how you can take advantage of them too!

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1 thought on “Newly Expensive Products? 5 Things That Will See a Price Increase”

  1. Maybe people will learn to save instead of trashing. They need to learn there is no shame using things more than once. Or eating leftovers.

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