Newly Expensive Products? 5 Things That Will See a Price Increase

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By Reshetnikov_art from Amazon

Computers and other gadgets

You would be surprised just how many items rely on microchips in order to work properly. Everything from commonplace items like TVs, electric toothbrushes, and kitchen appliances to the most obvious items like phones, computers, and cameras! The one thing they all rely on, the microchip, has not only become a hot commodity, but when it is available it is very expensive.

This goes all the way back to the COVID-19 pandemic, when a lot of the factories that make these important components shut down as production couldn’t go on in safe environments, all while the orders for these products continued to pile up!

Manufacturers since then have opened up factories, but they are struggling to meet the demand as more and more companies require these components to work. Add that to the fact that certain factories have had issues due to weather or accidents, forcing them to close, and you have the reason why all of these products have suddenly become more expensive.

This is why you’ve seen price increases of at least 30 percent, if not more for certain items! And experts predict that the chip shortage will last until at least early 2023, so unless you find a really good deal, you can’t expect anything to go down in price until then.

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1 thought on “Newly Expensive Products? 5 Things That Will See a Price Increase”

  1. Maybe people will learn to save instead of trashing. They need to learn there is no shame using things more than once. Or eating leftovers.

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