5 Times You’re Right to Be Frugal!

frugal people
dollar store secrets, frugal
Photo by Tyler Olson from Shutterstock

#1 Greeting cards

It has become customary that when you give someone a present, it will be accompanied by a greeting card. And while we all like those really big ones from Hallmark, we have to admit that they are definitely overpriced. There is no need to spend up to $6 or more on a piece of paper that was mass produced.

For special occasions like weddings, you can splurge a little, but for any other occasion, there is no need to get them for more than $1. You can find them at the low prices at Trader Joe’s or your local dollar store, or even online, where you can get them for even cheaper in bundles.

If people choose to spend too much on paper, it’s their problem, not yours! You’re being your best frugal self!

#2 Clothes for fancy occasions

There are occasions when you have to look your very best. Whether it is a formal occasion or you have to attend a fancy event, you have to have the right outfit so you fit the theme. However, it isn’t in your best interest to run to the mall to get your clothes, as you may end up paying more than you need to for something you may never wear again.

Formalwear has the horrible habit of only being worn once (unless it’s a suit). And buying these clothes brand new only for them to sit in your closet for years on end after is not the most frugal thing you could do. You can either try to shop second-hand by going to consignment stores for items that were only worn a few times and have almost no signs of wear or by going to thrift shops and trying your hand there.

Or you can save some money and be your most frugal self by renting your formalwear for the occasion. It will be cheaper overall, and you don’t have to worry about what you’re going to do with it after!

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