5 Times You’re Right to Be Frugal!

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Image By bondarillia From Envato Elements

#3 Prescription drugs and over-the-counter medication

A general rule of thumb is to not fall for the idea that if you have been prescribed one type of medication, it is the only one you can take. Generic prescription drugs will work the same as the name-brand ones, but they have the added perk that they are sometimes even up to 85% less expensive, according to the FDA!

There’s no reason to pay for the brand name unless your doctor has specifically requested you take those, so you can be smart and frugal and search for the generic version online. Not only will you be able to save some money in the long run, but you may have a new favorite pharmacy to recommend to your loved ones as well!

Also no, you’re not being too frugal or a cheapskate; you’re actually being smart with your money! It’s the exact same situation when we are talking about over-the-counter medications, as the prices of the ones that come first in your mind aren’t the best choices you could make.

Those are most probably the ones you have seen advertised heavily, be it on TV or on the streets, which means they are brand names.

You should be trying to get the generic version of all those medications (be they for headaches, the flu, or any other sickness symptom) as they have a huge price increase because of all the advertising that is being done around them. It raises the price alongside all the people that suddenly buy the product, there’s no reason for them to lower their scores.

So do yourself a solid and try to find the best generic versions of all medications you need to take if possible. They work just fine!

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