8 Duty-Free Things You Should NEVER Buy

neck pillow
Photo by Parilov from Shutterstock

1. Neck Pillows

Are you worried about neck pain during your flight? We’ve also been there. Unless you’re flying first class, chances are you’ll be squashed between strangers. You may know the feeling: tiredness starts to show, and you feel the need to rest your head on someone’s shoulder.

Well, this doesn’t get to happen in most cases unless you’re traveling with someone that’s close to you. Think ahead and avoid overspending on an expensive duty-free item. Here’s our advice: look instead for a deal in big-box stores, where you can find a variety of neck pillows at great prices all year round. Amazon also has a wider range of options, check it out!

2. Souvenirs

Did you forget to buy souvenirs from your trip, so now you’re banking on the duty-free for those last-minute gifts? Well, that’s exactly what duty-free wants, and they usually sell these items at excessive prices.

Try to hunt for souvenirs and local goods prior to the airport. This way, you’ll have more time to look for great deals and truly enjoy the experience of purchasing unique items — at a more affordable price than buying them duty-free.

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