8 Duty-Free Things You Should NEVER Buy

Photo by ymgerman from Shutterstock

5. Books

We understand how important it is to read, and there are so many fantastic books that you can read in just a day. But don’t wait until you’re at the airport to consider this! Grab a book from your personal library and bring it with you — it’s cost-free.

Otherwise, you’ll be paying that extra charge for a few hours of entertainment. While we won’t judge you for grabbing a magazine before your flight, when it comes to books, less chance of finding a deal and less variety make this a duty-free purchase to avoid.

6. Medication

Whether you need it or not, you’re spending too much money on that travel-sized Advil pack. Do yourself a favor — and side steep from the airplane headache — by packing some medication from home.

And, if you think you may need OTC meds on your trip, don’t get them at the airport: the prices are always higher than what you would spend outside the airport. Try to plan ahead and double-check your carry-on to ensure you have everything your need.

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