8 Leftover Foods You Always Throw Away But Shouldn’t

Organic leftover foods
Photo by Niko Natsuki from Shutterstock

Leftover Foods: Pumpkin and Squash Seeds

Like most fruits, pumpkins and squashes are full of tiny seeds that must be scooped out to use the flesh. Hence with the rinds, seeds also end up in the bin or compost. However, it’s not wise to discard pumpkin and squash seeds.

Not only are these seeds edible and can be added to multiple recipes, but they’re also super healthy. They contain lots of nutritional benefits like beta-carotene, iron, zinc, and omega 3s that help lower cholesterol and prevent heart diseases.

They also make a tasty snack, and you can season them with salt and pepper or roast them to bring out that delicious nutty flavor.

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