8 Leftover Foods You Always Throw Away But Shouldn’t

Organic leftover foods
Photo by Dmytro Gilitukha from Shutterstock

Leftover Foods: Carrot Tops

Carrot tops remind me of Bugs Bunny munching away on his favorite snack like there’s no tomorrow. The fluffy green leaves are also known as ‘fronds’. However, it’s a shame that most supermarkets don’t sell their carrots with their leaves attached. The irony is that even if it’s available with its foliage, people would still chop it off before consumption.

While the common myth is that carrot tops are uneatable, the green tops are very much edible and very nutritious. Since they are rich in vitamins, you can add them to your soups and sauces to fortify your immune system. Interestingly, people in South East Asia swear by the benefits of carrot tea leaves for natural detox and weight loss

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