6 Foods Chefs Never Buy At Costco

Costco finds chefs won't buy
Costco finds chefs won't buy
Image By Jiujiuer From Shutterstock

We all love shopping at Costco, and frankly, some of us cannot resist a deal. However, as enticing as the family packs are, there are some things that professional chefs warn against buying from the chain. Not only because the product itself is not good, but also because sometimes the deals are not that good, to begin with.

If you have a bigger family, bulk buying can be a lifesaver when going to Costco and also a great way of using your membership. Yet, if your family is smaller that might not be a great idea and you should consider smaller portions. Even with a big family, some items at Costco end up not being as good of a deal as we initially thought, or we may be better off buying something else from the same store instead of the staple we usually get. These are some of the items chefs steer clear of when going to the warehouse.

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1 thought on “6 Foods Chefs Never Buy At Costco”

  1. Your prices are too high. Just like Acme now. I have been shopping at Walmart now for a lot of my food , after shopping at Shoprite for over 25 years.

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