6 Foods Chefs Never Buy At Costco

Costco finds chefs won't buy
Costco foods chefs won't buy
Image By Pictures_n_Photos From Shutter stock

4. Peeled Garlic

The consensus of chefs about peeled garlic is to avoid it altogether. Most recipes call for a clove or two, and even if they call for more or you want to add them, you will not use 3 pounds of garlic all at once.

Once peeled garlic will dry out quite fast, potentially turn woody and lose its flavor, not to mention the bacteria that the moisture forming in the bag in the fridge is unavoidable.

Fresh garlic is much more flavourful and it will not take that much time to peel the amount you need, as annoying as it can sometimes be.

5. Fresh produce

We do not mean all fresh produce.

We mean the very large quantity of them unless you know your family will be able to eat all of them. Even if you get various packs of fruit, it is bound that at one point you will get bored of them and some fresh fruit, like berries or grapes, spoil very fast. Not only that but since you get them at the same time, the time to eat them is limited with other vegetables as well.

What chefs recommend is either buying only what you need so you don’t end up wasting food or trying to rush to finish them. Moreover, delicate fruits are better bought locally so they do not spend too much time in transit and you buy them at their prime already.

6. Cold cuts

Surprisingly, deli meats have a very low shelf life, and buying them in bulk may do you more harm than good. Chefs recommend finding a good local butcher to get your cold cuts, or if that is not an option for you, try to go to the deli counter instead of the pre-packed slices.

The deli counter will slice them up for you and you can get the quantity you need. Even better, you know the meat is fresher because the counter always has clientele and the cuts get used up frequently.


If you don’t have time to go in person to do your shopping, Amazon has your back covered! 

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1 thought on “6 Foods Chefs Never Buy At Costco”

  1. Your prices are too high. Just like Acme now. I have been shopping at Walmart now for a lot of my food , after shopping at Shoprite for over 25 years.

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