6 Ways to SAVE Money On Groceries Every Month

Grocery shopping, save money
Price list, save money
Photo by Prostock-studio from Shutterstock

Save Money By Planning Ahead

Arguably, the biggest mistake you can make when you go grocery shopping is not planning ahead for your meals. Aimless shopping and letting the store’s deals dictate what you will buy is a bad move, as you can end up with a lot of extra items in your cart that you aren’t actually going to use.

According to studies, not only do almost 40% of all food products made in the U.S. end up being thrown away each year, but the average household wastes about $1,500 by throwing away all that food! Since our goal is to save money, not lose it, you should focus on putting together a meal plan before you hit the stores.

It will not only help you plan ahead of time what you need to buy and in what quantity, but it will also give you a good idea of how your week’s meals will look. You can also include leftovers for lunch or even make a big meal stretch for two days, and you can check in advance for any store deals online so you can save the most money!

Choosing the Wrong Store

It’s more convenient to go to the closest store to you and get your groceries there, but it may not be the best financial decision in the long run. At the same time, there are some stores that specialize in giving out discounts and keeping their prices low in order to attract more clients.

Not only will you save money if you turn your attention towards them rather than the potential fancy grocery store next to you, but you might also discover some new favorites.

Some great places to start with are places like Lidl, Aldi, and Trader Joe’s, which have some amazing store brand products but also carry some pantry staples that you will recognize in a heartbeat. Instead of paying premium prices for items, you will be able to get some amazing deals, find some new brands, and if you give them a try, you will see how they help you save money.

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